Welcome to the Adamawa State Contributory Health Management Agency.
Our Motto
Our vision
Securing Universal Health Access and Coverage for all Residents of Adamawa State
Our Mission
Provide Financial Risk Protection Through Sustainable Prepayment Mechanism
Our Plans
Basic Health Care Provision Fund
This is a Subsidized Health Plan for Children less than 5 years, Women within Reproductive age, Elderly above 70Years, People Living with Disability, Internally Displaced Persons and the Indigent. This Plan is Funded from the Consolidated Revenue of the Federal, State and Partners.

Quality Assurance
This is the Process to ensure Minimum Standard is available at the Health care Facilities. It ensures that Healthcare Workers Possess Relevants Qualifications and are Registered with relevant regulatory bodies and possess practicing licenses, Ensure registration of facilities with Appropriate Regulatory Authorities. The Accreditation of Healthcare Providers Sets Minimum standard for On-boarding Facilities into the Contributory Health Scheme. This is followed by Placing Onboarded Healthcare facilities on a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) to enable the facility prioritize areas where improvement efforts should be channeled. Also, this will help facilitate their progression in terms of quality improvement from their entry level to a higher one. Revalidation of each accredited provider is every 2 years. Periodic visit of the Quality Assurance team and supporting partners to assess how well the facility has been complying with their QIP. And whenever the need arises, offer technical support in areas in areas where the facility personnel are having challenges in implementing. Establishment of a 2-way feedback system with the enrollees by having Toll-Free lines is Visibly displayed in the Facility.